Youth Potential Development Scheme (YPDS)

The Civil Aid Service (CAS) is an auxiliary emergency service financed by the government. It is formed by over 3,700 members from the Hong Kong community. The Service’s primary duty is to augment the regular front-line emergency forces in the event of natural disasters and other emergencies. It also provides various community services such as crowd management for community activities, fire-prevention patrols in country parks, and provision of training on mountain hiking safety to the public.

We are now implementing a new scheme called “Youth Potential Development Scheme”, with an aim to provide knowledge and skills beyond the classrooms to youths to help them unleash their unlimited potential to shine in the future. Professional co-curricular activities will be offered free of charge to conduct interesting training sessions in a gradual manner, with topics covering Talent, Skill and Discipline, to empower students into confident, communicative and disciplined citizens.

The Scheme is tailored for youth groups such as senior primary students and secondary students. Based on the number of participants, schools/organisations can select interested activities from the list of training items below to participate:

  1. Leadings skills for school prefects / head students
  2. Mountain / outdoor safety
  3. Team building games
  4. A taste of bush fire fighting
  5. Surviving a typhoon
  6. Water safety essentials
  7. Fun with marching band music
  8. Flag raising training
  9. Other topics you can think of

If your school/organisation is interested, please click the link to complete the Intention Form, before submitting it to the CAS Headquarters for further arrangement.

Should you have any enquiries, please contact our staff, at 3651 9482.

Youth Potential Development Scheme (YPDS)
Youth Potential Development Scheme (YPDS)