Tender Notice
There is no public tender exercise at present.
Contract Award Notice
Please access "Government Logistics Department - e-Tender Box" for the Contract Award Notice.
General Procurement
- CAS are making use of the Purchasing Card (P-card) Supplier Lists for issuing quotation invitations for goods and services.
- Interested parties who wish to be included in the P-card Supplier Lists, please contact:
Global Payments Asia-Pacific (Hong Kong) Limited
Phone: (852) 2969 9888
Fax: (852) 3071 4669
E-mail address: hk_enquiry@globalpay.com
- Invitations to quotation for the supply of goods or services will be issued to suppliers on the relevant supplier lists by rotation, as and when opportunities arise. Interested parties can contact the following officer for enquiries relating to general quotation matters:
Supplies Officer
Civil Aid Service
4/F, CAS Headquarters,
8 To Wah Road,
Yau Ma Tei,
Kowloon, Hong Kong.
Tel. No.: (852) 3651 9390
Fax No.: (852) 2768 1068
E-mail: angus_kf_mak@cas.gov.hk