1“Major Buildings” refer to buildings with annual electricity consumption over 500 000 kilowatt hour (kWh).
2“Total Floor Area” refers to the sum of floor areas of “Major Buildings”.
3“Total No. of Employees” refer to those working in the “Major Buildings”.
4“Total GHG Emissions” refer to the sum of Scopes 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions.
5The categories of GHG reduction measures suggested here (e.g. energy saving, paper saving etc.) are for B&Ds’ reference.
6B&Ds should complete this section if applicable.
7Reduction in GHG emissions (Tonnes CO2-e) = Annual electricity generated by RE system (kWh) x Territory-wide default value of emission factor for purchased electricity (i.e. 0.7 kg/kWh) ÷ 1000
For simplicity and consistency, a territory-wide default value of emission factor for purchased electricity is suggested to be adopted to assess the reduction in GHG emissions by RE technologies regardless of the locations of the infrastructure. The most updated territory-wide default value is available at https://www.climateready.gov.hk/education_centre.php?section=guideline_reference_links.
8B&Ds should note that the reduction in GHG emissions resulting from the installation of on-grid RE systems will NOT be counted towards the overall carbon performance of the government buildings, as the electricity generated by the systems will be fed into the grids of the power companies and transferred out of the buildings at the same time.